Careers education is still too often based upon an
increasingly outdated view of education, of jobs and of careers. It's based
on the idea that you go through education, get a job and stick with that job.
And therefore your decisions in education are to be made with this career goal
in mind. But increasingly, people aren’t staying in one career or even one industry
for most of their lives. People are increasingly likely to do one job for a
while, and then move into a whole other sector. And so people don’t so much
need to know a lot about one field, but instead be well equipped to take on a
wide variety of roles. And so our careers education needs to shift away from
the idea of a single career path, and towards teaching students to be flexible
and to be creative in their approach to the job market and equipped them with
the broad range of skills they will need for this.
Work experience should be compulsory for all secondary
school children; even doing just a week of good work experience can be really
beneficial. But schools should be taking this a step further by encouraging and
facilitating students to do volunteering, or run clubs, or just get part time
jobs. Working in retail in Saturdays will teach you a tonne of skills that will
be useful when you need to get a full time job. University is a great chance
for those who go to do things like volunteer, get involved in societies or work
part time but, especially for those who don’t go to university, schools should
be ensuring their pupils have the same kind of experiences and opportunities.
And this should be part of a shift in focus from choosing
your career path to taking the opportunities available to you, making good
decisions in the present for your development, building skills and exploring
the big old mess that is the world of work. We should be ncouraging students to
make decisions in the present that will be valuable experiences, rather than
focusing on charting a course for the future; instead of asking “what do you
want to do when you grow up”, we should be asking what students want to do,
want to experience and what they want to get involved with now.
Additionally, careers education can still be far too
focused on “this is what a job will involve if you get it”. Schools should be
better at equipping pupils with tools to get into those jobs in the first place,
from CV writing to approaching employers to creating a good online presence
(and actually how to create a visible and strong presence; not just “keep your
facebook as private as possible and make yourself entirely invisible because sometimes
you’re noticeably drunk”).
Careers education should be a central part of secondary
school, especially post-14, not just something on the side. It should be
comprehensive and it should be about what students can do to grow and develop
right now, not just what they might want to do one day. Not only is this view
increasingly out of sync with people’s career paths, it puts an unnecessary
amount of pressure on young people to make the “right” choices now; because if
it’s leading you down a path that will end at a job for life…that’s terrifying!
Easing that pressure by focusing on doing a lot of things and building a broad
skills base, and emphasising that jobs need not be for life would not just
improve careers education but would ease this pressure on students, making the
transition from education to work that little bit easier and maybe even make
the whole thing a bit more fun!
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